Maine Yardscaping

“An attractive, carpet-like lawn adds value and enjoyment to any home. But these benefits can come at tremendous cost to our environment. Lawn care practices can impact water quality. At risk are lakes, streams and eventually the ocean–the sendpoint of all watersheds.

The pursuit of the "perfect" lawn now drives many homeowners to use an unprecedented volume of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers and herbicide-fertilizer cocktails known as weed and feed products.

This offers little or no benefit to turf. By applying horticultural knowledge instead of pesticides and fertilizers, YARDSCAPING practices can create quality turf that delivers recreational and eye-pleasing benefits.

YARDSCAPING isn’t about using good chemicals instead of bad ones. Rather, YARDSCAPERS put to work horticultural principles that deliver robust turf and landscapes that demand less of any chemical!”

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